Heroes On Horses
Healing Through Riding
In addition to Equestrians With Disabilities, the Foundation also promotes classes in which riders who are disabled veterans or active duty “wounded warriors” and participate in PATH Intl. Equine Services for Heroes or have a Department of Veteran Affairs disability rating are eligible to compete, called Heroes On Horses.
Fort Worth, Texas
EntriesThe National Snaffle Bit Association Foundation and the American Paint Horse Association look forward to partnering in order to grow the opportunities for United States veterans to compete and be recognized within the horse show community. Veterans will be welcomed to the APHA World Show for camaraderie and competition through the Heroes on Horses program. A practice session with professional horsemen, as well as a welcome dinner for participants, their families, and support team, will be held the day prior to competition.
The next day veterans will prepare their horses for competition in the morning. Exhibitors and spectators at the APHA World Show will join together to recognize and thank all who have served our country during the Parade of Heroes. Following this exhibition, competition in the Heroes on Horses Walk Jog Western Pleasure will begin for our veteran exhibitors.
- July 3rd - Practice Ride Boot Camp with APHA Professional Horsemen - time and arena tbd
- July 3rd - Dinner for veterans and their families - time and location tbd
- July 4th - Parade of Heroes - John Justin Arena - approximately 11:30 am followed by Heroes on Horses Walk Trot Western Pleasure class
- July 4th - Exhibitor Lunch - John Justin Arena - approximately 11:30 am
Veterans in PATH Int. Equine Services programs are invited to participate in the NSBA World Championship Show “Heroes on Horses” competition.
- Riders may be disabled veterans, active military or retired veterans, who are participating in PATH Intl. Equine Services for Heroes programs, or have a Department of Veterans Affairs disability rating.
- The individuals’ PATH facilities will be responsible for verifying the eligibility of riders participating in Equine Services for Heroes programs.
- For Disabled Veterans who do not participate in a therapeutic riding program, please submit the Department of Veteran Affairs letter recording the dates of service, the Service-connected Disability Rating and the date it was awarded. Please black out all other personal information included in the letter, such as social security number and monthly award.
- All Heroes on Horses exhibitors must submit the Rider Eligibility Form.
- Horses are not required to be registered or owned by the rider or facility.

Sponsor A Rider
The NSBA Foundation provides support for riders participating in the Equestrians With Disabilities, and the Veteran Heroes on Horses programs, by assisting in funding their World Championship Experience. Through the "90 Riders In 90 Days" campaign, the Foundation is seeking 90 sponsors for 90 Equestrians With Disabilities and Heroes on Horses exhibitors .
Learn more