Animal Welfare Fund
In the Best Interest of the Horse
Animal welfare has been a core philosophy for NSBA since its inception and it was only natural that animal welfare is a core component of the NSBA Foundation. Founded by active horsemen and women in tune with the needs and actions of the horse industry, NSBA has always made it a priority to be responsible, reactive and innovative. In the early 1980’s, pleasure horses were being started, trained and shown in the same shanked bits that older, more seasoned show horses competed with. A group of horsemen were determined to start training young horses in a kinder, gentler way. NSBA was thus formed with the health and wellbeing of the horse as the center of its principles. As the association has expanded into the industry, turning its attentions to all-around, ranch horse and hunter jumper events, NSBA continues to support the development of procedure that assure equality, fairness, safety, health and welfare for all parties involved.
One of the NSBA Foundation's core pillars of work is the Animal Welfare Fund. In addition to funding campaigns to educate horse owners about humane treatment of horses, the Foundation promotes quality of life for all animals in the horse community, from providing cool water stations at the NSBA World Championship Show for horse show dogs to promoting humane treatment, training and handling of our equine partners. The association has assisted horse owners in times of need, who have suffered through flooding and fire with funds to assist them in providing comfort for their horses.
Paws for Awareness
Dog owners that have attended the NSBA World Championship Show in previous years may recognize the NSBA Foundation’s “Paws for Awareness” campaign. Those who have spent time in the arid Tulsa weather know that the August heat can quickly become hazardous for our smaller four-legged friends. The NSBA Foundation works to combat the effects of the heat on canine attendees by providing an oasis for exhibitors to allow their dogs to hydrate and cool down with fresh water and kiddie pools.