NSBA Hunter Jumper
The National Snaffle Bit Association is proud to welcome the Hunter Jumper community to the family of horse shows sanctioned by NSBA. The mission of NSBA is to grow the show horse community through programs that benefit the horses, owners, breeders and exhibitors alike. As the hunter jumper division develops within NSBA, stakeholders can look forward to programs that enhance and celebrate success at every level.
Join - Membership Horse Registration Medication Form HJ Rule ExcerptsYear End High Point AwardsWHAT YOU CAN DO

The National Snaffle Bit Association is a community of equine owners, exhibitors, breeders and future leaders of our industry. We are an international association representing multiple breeds. The welfare of the horse is the primary consideration. Our mission is to serve as a steward for the horse, and ensure responsible care and treatment through kindness, respect and compassion. Following this mission, NSBA continues to define standard rules for judging and competitive events.
An NSBA membership is required for each owner and exhibitor entering in NSBA classes. It is the sole responsibility of the owner/exhibitor to be a current member. If a registered owner consists of two or more people, or a company or partnership name, then it is required that a membership be recorded in the exact name of the registration papers.
Purchase Membership

NSBA horse registration is required in order to compete. Horse registration is a one time fee of $35. The owner must have a current NSBA membership. Registration is per owner, annual renewal is not needed.
Horses may register with NSBA with breed registration papers or microchip registration.
If ownership changes, a transfer is required.
Now available - The official 2025 NSBA Handbook!
Includes the rules that apply specifically to the hunter jumper events of NSBA. The 2025 NSBA Handbook is available on the website here. For rules specific to hunter jumper special events click here. All NSBA rules prevail in NSBA stand alone special events.

NSBA sanctions horse shows providing the governance, point system and structure required by event producers to host first class events. NSBA sanctions shows for breed organizations as well as special events, those shows not affiliated with any one breed organization. By promoting the use of standard set of rules for judging and holding events NSBA promotes activities that benefit horses, breeders, owners and exhibitors alike. Reach the NSBA Show Department, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or follow this link for show management resources.
Members of the National Snaffle Bit Association are recognized for their achievements in the show ring. Participating in NSBA sanctioned events provides Hunter Jumper exhibitors a new avenue for recognition. Points earned throughout the year will accrue and count towards year end standing and lifetime show records.