Horse Lookup

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ID Foal Year Sex Name Sire Dam Current Owner Microchip Height
L111872 2014 Gelding Wingardium Leviosa Undocumented Undocumented Finn Keating 981020015425407
L119388 2016 Gelding Wingardium Leviosa KS Lotus T Ovation Victoria Zyskowski 981020045146798
L129666 2022 Gelding Winginitkrymsunstyle Wing Mann Krymsun Kopy Kat Laurie Estrada
L112890 2017 Gelding Wingman Ultograaf First Gravin Diana B Calligaro 528210004077963
L119813 2009 Gelding Wingman Cunningham Tell Me True Lilli Power 911001001503184
L081155 2003 Gelding Wings Goodtimes Iomara Melanie Ferrio-Wise 528210000630077
L128772 2022 Mare Wings N Roses Wing Mann Fleursyellowrose Jacie N Gray
L124431 2022 Stallion Wings Over Miami Wing Mann Got Good Karma Carly M Laughlin
L003139 2010 Gelding Wingtipss Coats N Tails Etched In Detail Leah Roehl
L025569 2006 WINK IF YOUR HOT Hot Diggity Joe Winken Wendi Jackie Schillinger
L033159 2009 Mare Winken Artfully Artful Investment Winken Taylor Wayne Sherman & Eva Veltkamp
L001115 2004 Gelding Winkin For Chocolate Huntin For Chocolate Zip N Wink Maria S Salazar
L052004 2014 Mare Winking At A Star Zippo Amegio Fashioned By Impulse Kenneth or Laina Banks
L132038 2023 Gelding Winme Sum Dirty Cash/Win Me Sum Dirty Cash Dirty Callahan Winners Always Flirt Becky Riemenschneider
L124179 2018 Gelding Winn Like Flinn In Like Flinn Prettiestfaceintown Lane Kail
L086308 2010 Mare Winnemucca Chex Nu Chex To Cash Winnemucca Tucker Linda K Hitt
L072582 2019 Stallion Winnie For Cowgirls Winnies Willy Wilbie Hot John R Gribble
L068455 2018 Gelding Winnie Invited Me Winnies Willy Invite Me For Brandy Robin H Stegall
L076607 2007 Gelding Winnie Take A Look Winnies Willy Jacks Sleepy Gal Alison Chimner
L115319 2007 Gelding Winnie The Pooh Undocumented Undocumented Lilly Wilson 616098200130012
L000280 2002 Mare Winnie Three Bars Zippos Mr Good Bar Winnie Pine Bar Kenneth & Marilyn Masterson
L025578 2009 Mare Winnies Good Impulse Hot Impulse Winnie Good Bar
L065313 2015 Gelding Winnies Hope To Win Winnies Willy Hope To Lope Marylin Rander
L069634 2014 Gelding Winnies Lopin By Winnies Willy Lopin By Stephanie L Redus
L051278 2014 Mare Winnies One N Only One N Only Winnies Good Impulse Johnny L Tart
L077538 2020 Mare Winnies Wilma Winnies Willy Blazing Betty Stuart or Karen Bandstra
L136780 2024 Mare Winnin Some Chrome When In Chrome Winnie Pearl Shari Irwin
L002875 2008 Gelding Winnin The Blue Hot Impulse Winnie Good Bar Sandy K. Zwick
L068658 2018 Gelding Winning All D Money A Winning Invitation Dee Money Side Up Ashlyn Cimochowski
L058367 2016 Stallion Winning Chocolatebar A Winning Invitation A Chocolate Streak Meagan B Benoit
L073737 2017 Mare Winning Details A Winning Invitation Delicately Detailed Delinda Bane Melvin
L034542 2005 Mare Winning For Certain Certain Potential Emily Supreme Tim/Lou Petty
L064065 2017 Stallion Winning In The Rain A Winning Invitation Good In The Rain John Carpenter
L050598 2013 Mare Winning Instincts Sudden Instinct Winners Always Flirt Shelby Cochran
L002647 2009 Gelding Winning Irons HBF Iron Man Hominey Nicole Sorgie
L067074 2018 Stallion Winning On Repeat Repeated In Red Willy Notice Me Ryan J Geiger
L058247 2016 Mare Winning The Bleus A Winning Invitation Skys Pearlly Girl John Carpenter
L075725 2020 Mare Winning Willy Wild Makin Me Willy Wild Make Me Win FairWinds Farm
L002965 2005 Mare Winning Wisely Investing Wisely Aprils Good Bar Sibyl Von Der Schulenburg
L081969 2003 Gelding Winninton Undocumented Undocumented Tulip Pond Farm 981020019573200 17.2 3/4
L132350 2023 Mare Winnrwinnrchikndinnr Machine Made Shes Suddenly Sexy Rex Studnicka & Crystal Johnson
L125335 2022 Stallion Winny For A Goodtime Winnies Willy Hip Chic Pam Ritcheson
L064042 2017 Stallion Winr Winr Chikn Dinr A Winning Invitation Tasteslikechicken Kevin Shawn Redman
L034543 2005 Stallion Wins All The Time All Time Fancy North Wins Kari Lee Dennis
L110028 2013 Gelding Winslow AB Whittier Floria Annabelle Seifert 981020029036935
L082784 2016 Mare Winslow Honey Winslow Homer Henny Betty Elizabeth Dietrich 981020017863370
L130099 2009 Mare Winsome Ona Princess Lucky Zip Princess Leona Ava Christina Palmeri
L098810 2003 Gelding Winston Orlando Ramona Isabella Buckley 528210000645813
L099824 2003 Gelding Winston Lancer II Hadette Kari Lynn Cummons 981020023300875
L111707 2012 Mare Winston Undocumented Undocumented Anabela Lynden 276020000209995
L100825 2013 Gelding Winter Romance Zapatero VDL Romi Van Veecaten Mila Lynn Anderson 528210002996212 15.3 7/8
L099514 2011 Gelding Winter Soldier The Big Smooth Tailor Made Asset Genessa R Dieppa 991001003659598
L103871 2004 Gelding Winter Soldier Undocumented Undocumented Molly Elizabeth Baker 933000120163640
L110651 2011 Mare Winter Song Legado De Fuego Sterling Moon PT Megan Rieker 981020023294900
L081410 2005 Mare Winter White Sir Caletto Primaballerina Elizabeth Haggmark 985113001387010
L108429 2010 Mare Winter Wish Meadow Fox Ronaldo B43464 Lindisfarne Snowdrop George Bullion 981020021531021
L106079 2011 Gelding Winter's Tale Zensational Graziella Erica Prockow 933000320115787
L101213 2013 Mare Winterdown Tina Peppermill Kalibra Pippa Spingler 372141405715170
L120968 2013 Mare Winterdown's Arya Peppermill Kalibra Rowan Bomar 372141405715170
L079796 2011 Mare Winterfell Undocumented Undocumented Kathy Frame Dewar 276020000159155 16.3 1/2
L089809 2011 Gelding Winterfell Cornet's Stern Quite Flower Caitlin Leigh Anckner 276020000145433
L109980 2012 Gelding Winterfell Acodetto Raja I Katie I Jordan 276020000249674
L120314 2017 Gelding Winterfells Castle Black Cunningham Castle Colleen Isabelle Reese Degina 933000120117612
L124250 2017 Gelding Wire Transfer Only Big Money Impulse Miss Impulsive Dr Lyle & Shawn Koca
L048353 2013 Gelding Wired For Sleep Too Sleepy To Zip Gorgeous Investment Cindy M Puruczky
L101803 2003 Mare Wirina Haarlem Sarina Hannah Randolph 528210000577152
L070713 2015 Mare Wise Lady Bythe Lake Wises High Gear Wises Star Lady Marie L Crochet
L053983 2014 Gelding Wise Men Talk A Scenic Impulse Dotevita Half-A-Dime Horse Ranch LLC
L128945 2017 Gelding Wise N Blue Aint It The Blues Wisely Victorious Lea Smitka
L116298 2009 Gelding Wisely Casiro I Fabaletta Opening Bell Sporthorses LLC 276020000455292
L134052 2014 Gelding Wisely And Easy Investing Wisely Fashion Mia Zipper Nina Miettinen
L002266 0 Mare Wisely Ben Good Investing Wisely Aprils Good Bar Machelle H Haus
L003149 2010 Stallion Wisely Brees Good Investing Wisely Aprils Good Bar Machelle H Haus
L046280 2013 Gelding Wisely Coded VS Code Red Wisely Zippen Nancy Cline
L132991 2019 Mare Wisely Given Grace TFR A Wisely Dream GW Bostons Destene Clara Wilhsson
L044559 2010 Mare Wisely Investing Investing Wisely Fancy Zippin Charlie Cole &/ Jason Martin
L000894 2007 Mare Wisely Kissed Investing Wisely Sevens Sweetheart Steven Blackwood
L034544 2012 Mare Wisely Lopin Lazy Loper Wisely Zippen Sally Manahan
L001215 2008 Mare Wisely Stylish Investing Wisely Aprils Good Bar Machelle H Haus
L003150 2010 Mare Wisely Sweet Melody Investing Wisely Goodbars Melody Machelle H Haus
L025595 2006 WISELY TO A TE Investing Wisely Sierra Pine Star Ross McBean
L002069 2007 Gelding Wisely Zipped Up Investing Wisely This Time Im Zipped Sissie Shank
L000838 2003 Mare Wisely Zippen Investing Wisely Fancy Zippin Andrea Rowland
L084679 2006 Gelding Wiser Schilling Eternity Des Saules Z Ceil Wheeler 981100002230587 16.0 7/8
L086240 2014 Gelding Wisewood Mr Debonair Hilin Peredur Wisewood So Fine David Dowler 981020037824671 13.1 3/4
L109440 2011 Mare Wisewood's Tigerlily Romany River Talisman Windmar Twinkle Star Megan L Yanko 981020023276764
L108570 2014 Gelding Wisewood's Willy Wonka Wisewood Mr. Fizzle Undocumented Gold Standard Equestrain 981020031364040
L109753 2007 Gelding Wish Come Blue Land's End Poseidon Dear Patricia First Blue LLC 933000120145213 14.1
L059665 2008 Gelding Wish Finally Spotted Bar Te Plaudit Paul U Oughta Spot Me Jan Wallin
L051618 2014 Stallion Wish I Am Kasey BR Iam Wish Iza Kasey Candace Lee Fisher
L051289 2014 Mare Wish I Had A Cowboy RL Best Of Sudden Huntin For A Cowboy Rosemary or J P Rosso
L047786 2013 Stallion Wish Iza Lazy No Doubt Im Lazy Wish Iza Kasey Candace Lee Fisher
L119570 2015 Mare Wish List Undocumented Undocumented Tailwind Farms 981020041688882
L081978 2007 Gelding Wish Me Luck Wyndam Hills Tyg Lloyd Sweet Adeline Chloe Shea 985111001570365 13.2
L005007 2011 Mare Wish Me The Best RL Best Of Sudden Confirmation Only Faren L Anderson
L123885 2022 Stallion Wish U The Best Good Better Best My Wish Courtney Suzanne Brockmueller
L034545 2006 Mare Wish Upon A Detail Last Detail Making Fun Melinda Mayes
L074235 2019 Gelding Wish You The Best Kissin The Girls Ima Best Of Sudden Staci Brown
L083269 2007 Mare Wishes Undocumented Undocumented Maggie Browney
L085807 2002 Mare Wishes Heinzelmann Truly My Love Lisa Bianca 985112008234904
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