Horse Lookup

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ID Foal Year Sex Name Sire Dam Current Owner Microchip Height
L066932 2018 Mare VS Kiss This VS Code Blue Hot N Sassy Zippo Michelle M Lyle
L057615 2016 Mare VS Kixstart My Heart VS Code Red B Fancy Dirty Sue Robyn K Ewing
L071269 2019 Mare VS Kolor Konnected VS Goodride Shesa Real Pleasure Ken/Karen or Amalie Kennedy
L123719 2021 Gelding VS Ladies Man Hay Goodlookn VS The First Lady BLB Farms
L053406 2013 Mare VS Lady In Red VS Code Red Cool Krymsun Lady Kristen N Galyean
L054670 2015 Mare VS Lady In Red VS Code Red Do You Know Who I Am Chandler Rae Campbell
L129742 2022 Mare VS Lady Made Machine Made VS Lady In Red Kristen N Galyean
L129743 2022 Mare VS Lady Of The Night RL Best Of Sudden VS Lady In Red Kristen N Galyean
L052581 2014 Mare VS Ladys Ltd Edition VS Code Blue Considerthisedition Jessica Adams
L073369 2019 Gelding VS Ladys Man VS Code Blue Silver Kat Lady Vickie Morrison
L122337 2021 Stallion VS Late Nite Ride VS Goodride Late Night Details Chad/Clay/Karen Mills
L054227 2015 Mare VS Lawless VS Flatline Troubles A Blazin Kristen N Galyean
L051213 2014 Stallion VS Lazy On The Rail VS Flatline Sheza Hot Talker Susan E. Chaires
L070667 2014 Mare VS Learn My Code VS Code Red Didyoulearnanything Brittney Mellor Barr
L128050 2022 Mare VS Leolita VS Code Blue Ima Cadillc Kitten James Weir
L130882 2021 Gelding VS Let Freedom Ride VS Goodride Sleepin In Her Sox Judy K F Bonham
L060013 2016 Gelding VS Lethal Rhythm VS Flatline Mo Doc N Hollywood Whitney Alaine Ropp
L053429 2015 Mare VS Life Flight VS Code Red Cool Krymsun Lady Logan Marie Gloude
L111195 2021 Mare VS Life Of The Party The Lopin Machine VS Life Support Francesca M Wierda
L053428 2015 Mare VS Life Support VS Code Red Cool Krymsun Lady Madeline Olofson
L053432 2015 Gelding VS Line Of Fire VS Flatline Radically Fired Up Gina Soule
L070637 2019 Mare VS Live Wire VS Code Red Absolutely A Goodbar John J Burrows
L129993 2020 Gelding VS Lonesome Ride VS Goodride Sheza Lonesome Babe Lynn W Carlson
L099635 2020 Mare VS Looks Like A Lady The Lopin Machine VS Lady In Red Kristi Lynne Avery
L063504 2017 Mare VS Lopin In The Red The Lopin Machine VS Lady In Red Capall Creek Farm LLC
L129026 2019 Mare VS Lopin Lady VS Code Red One Hot Lopin Lady Louis F Matheson Const Inc
L051556 2014 Mare VS Lopin The Line VS Flatline Little Bit Of Zip RR Sue Ann Hartzell
L113025 2021 Stallion VS Loping To The Doc VS Goodride Docs Lazy Loper Alice Rose Barlow
L118808 2021 Gelding VS Lopinroanly VS Code Blue Radically Painted Kelli Anne Bailey
L126235 2021 Mare VS Love My Ride VS Goodride Lovin Our Options Mike & Michelle Preston
L060320 2016 Mare VS Luck Be A Lady VS Flatline Predominantely Lucky Tischel S Dagnoli
L069141 2018 Stallion VS Luv N The Blues VS Code Blue Lazy Lover Debbie L Mulcunry
L136144 2019 Gelding VS Lynyrd Skynyrd VS Code Red Lotsa Good Potential Courtney Brianne Gregory
L135109 2013 Gelding VS Machine VS Code Red Shes Simply Stylin Eva-Sophia Heuser 380771001019327
L077924 2020 Mare VS Made EZ Machine Made Only Girls In Red Yvonne Burson
L128596 2022 Mare VS Mama Rock Me VS Code Red RR Certain Blessing Debra Wasik
L075126 2020 Stallion VS Man Code VS Code Blue Sudden Splashed/Too Many Details Superior Care Management LLC
L131804 2023 Mare VS Miss American Pie VS Code Red Imma American Made Andrea Kengis Foss
L053436 2013 Mare VS Miss Lucy Lou Lazy Loper Vital Signs Are Good Abigail Lee
L078793 2020 Mare VS Misty Blue VS Code Blue Tall Dark N Sweet Kirk Langley
L060947 2016 Stallion VS Money Line VS Flatline Huntin For Money Cynthia Carden
L105626 2021 Mare VS Moonlight VS Flatline Moonlight Mocha Vicky L Long
L105625 2021 Mare VS Moonlight Zip VS Flatline Moonlight Mocha Vicky L Long
L072362 2019 Mare VS Moonlite Code VS Code Red RR Moonlite Dancing Mr and Mrs William M Wilkes
L124977 2021 Gelding VS Mygiveadamsbusted VS Cracked The Code Impulse To Flirt Stephanie A Hicken
L121013 2021 Mare VS Nice Ride VS Goodride One Hot Classy Nicolle Conner
L122156 2021 Stallion VS Nightride VS Flatline RR Time To Step Out Virginia W Hamadi
L077784 2020 Mare VS Norma Jean VS Code Red Definitely Maybe/Lady Orchid Jennise Richardson-Lesak
L133577 2022 Mare Vs Notice Im Blue VS Goodall In Blue My Two Week Notice Ann Marie L Morrow
L127071 2022 Stallion VS On Fire VS Flatline Spicy Hot Machine Midwest Superior Ranch
L064684 2015 Gelding VS On The Roan Again VS Code Red Bodacious Miss Bee Roxann Guthrie
L054934 2015 Gelding VS Ona Good Impulse VS Flatline Ona Good Impulse Sabrina M Turner
L044665 2009 Mare VS One Hot Lucy One Hot Krymsun Vital Signs Are Good Kristen N Galyean
L127391 2022 Mare VS One Of Them Girls VS Code Red Flirtin For Real Tamara A Kendrick
L055984 2015 Mare VS Only Blue Skies VS Flatline Only And Forever Dr Dennis Whitsell
L133657 2021 Gelding VS Only Good VS Code Blue Confirmation Only Robin Baldes
L054910 2015 Stallion VS Only The Roanly VS Flatline A Dandy Invitation Meagan Joy Hengst
L058309 2016 Gelding VS Onlybluewilldo VS Code Blue Ona Good Impulse Kellie J Dunn
L109792 2019 Stallion VS Outlaw VS Code Red KM Suddenly So Easy Glover Galyean Partnership LLC
L032963 2012 Mare VS Party Girl VS Code Red Talkin Bout Secrets Karen K Ripper
L131030 2023 Mare VS Party In Red I Am The Party VS Lopin In The Red Dr Ted D Filandrianos
L064683 2014 Mare VS Perfect Blonde VS Code Red Bodacious Miss Bee Roxann Guthrie
L099640 2020 Stallion VS Phantom Code VS Code Red Snap Krackle Pop Glover Galyean Partnership LLC
L135705 2024 Gelding VS Phantom Fever VS Phantom Code Sudden Fever Stanley Sims
L098757 2020 Mare VS Piney Bubbles VS Goodride Vest Wishes Tischel S Dagnoli
L070010 2014 Gelding VS Potentially Lazy VS Flatline Potential Advantage Kathryn Wise
L123716 2021 Mare VS Prayer Code VS Code Red KM Suddenly So Easy Glover Galyean Partnership LLC
L073386 2019 Gelding VS Presidential Code VS Code Blue Presidential Girl Judy K Fox
L051938 2014 Mare VS Pretty In Red VS Code Red Skys Strawberry Sandra A Butler
L073863 2019 Mare VS Pretty Woman VS Code Red Dont Skip This Diva Axel Johannes Bouchner
L051701 2014 Mare VS Prim N Proper VS Code Blue Ima Regal Leaguer Terry L Davis Staniak
L027585 2012 Mare VS Princess VS Code Red Shining Potential Edward L Garrow
L063021 2017 Stallion VS Pulse Is Optional VS Code Blue Looking Impulsive Tracey Schraeder
L064209 2017 Mare VS Queen Of Hearts VS Flatline Invite Me Im Good Georgia A Pilliard
L130870 2023 Mare VS Radical Legacy Radical Rodder One Good Vital Sign Rob Bohnsack
L057787 2016 Stallion VS Razzel Dazzel VS Flatline Shez Been Frosted Dan Lowery
L067785 2018 Gelding VS Red Alert VS Code Red Never On Impulse Rosemarie Markus
L034440 2013 Mare VS Red Carpet Diva Vs Code Red Really By Chance Tina Langness
L058070 2013 Mare Vs Red Cocolatecake VS Code Red Celebrate Chocolate Victoria M Payne
L068595 2016 Mare VS Red Hot VS Code Red Roses Hot Ticket Kim L Portney
L060718 2017 Mare VS Red Hot Diva VS Code Red Custom Maid Career Wilma G Stotler
L098347 2018 Gelding VS Red Hot Mess VS Code Red Glad Im Invited Jessica Rhymer Page
L073681 2019 Mare VS Red Hot Talent VS Code Red Red Hot Flirt Melanie R McKinney
L122328 2021 Gelding VS Red Machine VS Code Red She Is A Machine Matthew Labrie
L134177 2018 Mare VS Red Passion VS Code Blue Dontskipthepassion Lena Detaille
L047940 2013 Mare VS Red Rose VS Code Red So Suddenly Good Rebecca Pease Shelton
L049628 2013 Mare VS Red Smurfette VS Code Red Mt Hollywood Invest/Hollywood Investment Dorothy Ann Murdock Hornback
L027799 2012 Gelding VS Red Solo VS Code Red Sonnys Silk Angel Gillian Paige Davis
L059540 2016 Mare VS Red Velvet VS Code Red BMQ Pit Of Honey Karla J Elsenpeter
L069345 2018 Stallion VS Redline VS Code Red FF Simply Diva Caitlin M Raysser
L064066 2017 Mare VS Redwine And Roses VS Flatline Victoriasecret Asset Lily Rose Surprenant
L077455 2020 Mare VS Reimagined VS Code Red In Gypsys Image Rosciti Quarter Horses LLC
L067156 2018 Gelding VS Retirement Fund VS Code Red Dontskipzips Version Michael & Cindy Schrader
L047566 2011 Mare VS Revitalyzed One Hot Krymsun Vital Signs Are Good David & Tasha Winterfeld
L072072 2019 Gelding VS Rhythm N Blues VS Code Blue Her Terms R Radical Ryan C Lindsay
L125570 2022 Mare VS Rhythm N Booze VS Flatline A Wee Bit Toasted Deborah M Spork
L088213 2020 Mare VS Ride Or Die VS Goodride Pepsi Carmel Queen Christi Christensen
L064153 2017 Gelding VS Ride The Line VS Code Red Shesa Love Song Brenda Sue Salsbury
L034441 2012 Stallion VS Ridin Shotgun Zippos Sensation Vital Signs Are Good Joseph or Karen Moran
L130798 2023 Mare VS Rockin The Ride VS Goodride Zip By And Flash Me Melody S Duncan
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